
Friday 9 December 2016

Head Girl Speeches

Thank you for nominating me for such a prestigious role in Panmure Bridge. As you may know, my name is Nazella. Being a leader of Panmure Bridge school has been my goal ever since I saw Fine presenting on stage, I have been nominated for being head girl and believe that I will make a perfect head leader. But what entitles me to this position, you may ask?
I am confident, hard-working and passionate girl ,with an aim to not only drive forward, but to ensure that my fellow peers are driving with me to a journey to greatness. I mean, isn’t that what this school looks towards, ‘striving to achieve?’ More of my qualities important for the role of head leader include determination, an attribute that I have adopted or learned over my many years in Panmure Bridge School. Think about it, you wouldn’t want a leader to perform a poor job and surrender half way there? Would you?
To me, given the title of ‘leader’ does not mean to just be named, no. But to guide people through their learning journey.
Being a leader of Panmure Bridge school means representing our school with a high standard. I am a confident girl that wears our school uniform with pride. As a leader, I will also remember to always fulfil my responsibilities and to look after you, no matter what race, gender, size or age you are! Respecting teachers, visitors, students and the school is my main priority, whether I’m leader or not. This year I have participated in kiwi sport and made sure that everyone was encouraged and that they were doing the right thing. I motivated them so that they never felt discouraged and that they don’t think that they aren’t a worthy player.
Whatever happens, I will always be respectful and follow our CARE values. Being leader is a big opportunity and is a massive deal to me. If I do make the position, I will fulfil all the responsibilities and always have a smile on my face. Please, consider me as your vote, I promise I won’t let you down.

This year I have been nominated for head girl. This week the leader nominations wrote a speech about why they should be in the position of being a student leader in Panmure Bridge school. Today we said our speeches infront of LS2. I was nervous but tried my hardest when it was my turn. All of the eyes of LS2 were looking at me, but I still recited my speech. I mumbled a few times, but tried to focus on the speech. I then remembered that this was my goal for over 1/2 years, so I tried harder and harder to focus and recite the speech more confidently. After all the speeches were done, the student leaders and the year 7's then voted. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    My name is Shriya and I go to UTS which is a school in Toronto, Canada! Congratulations on getting nominated for Head Girl, and I hope that you become Head Girl as well! I had a very good time reading your blog and I hope you reach your goal of 400 blogs!
