
Thursday 15 May 2014


This week I have been learning in my class about inference.

What is Inference?

Inference is when you predict and before you read you make a guess that what is going to happen.

How you do Inferring

Inferring is really simple you just don't turn the page and you make a quick guess what is going to happen next

Words you use when you infer?
I think....
My guess is....
This could mean...
It could mean that...
I infer...
I predict...
These are some of our inferring
Baa Baa lamb was different to the original story (should have been baby bear) Big Bad Wolf was trying to eat the lamb - mint sauce, we know wolves like to eat lambs in fairy tales. Goldilocks is mad - hands on hips, angry face, said “not the bears again”
wolf wanted to be in fairy tale stories - said “How can I get into a fairy tale where I live happily ever after?”
Ma and Pa Bear love Baa Baa Bear - the Mum was hugging Baa Baa Bear tightly in the picture (Nazella), Pa Bear cried “My son, my son”
Pa Bear stood in front of Baa Baa Bear and protected him

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