
Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Special Visitors

The Summer Learning Journey for NEXT Foundation from Next Foundation on Vimeo.

 Today, Panmure Bridge School had important visitors from Manaiakalani, Auckland University and the NEXT foundation. The Summer Learning Journey consists of activities that you are able to do in the holidays, these activities help your literacy skills for tests. Rachel who started the Winter/Summer Learning Journey talked to us about how these programs help us with our reading and writing. The NEXT foundation thought that these programs help with our learning that they have decided to help give money to keep it going. The movie above shows how the Winter/Summer Learning Journey is fun and helps with our academic skills. After the visitors left, the movie was launched nation wide. I think that this program helps students prepare for upcoming test when they come back from the holidays. 

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Tech Reflection

This year, the year 8's had an amazing experience at tech. Our first rotation was Cooking with Ms. Heka, we learned good skills, and recipes which were yummy, but easy. I really liked being able to use these recipes for deserts for my family. Our second rotation was Graphics with Ms. Ferguson. We made wooden clocks. Ms. Ferguson added mechanisms so that the clock would work. This was an interesting experience, I had never made a clock with MDF. My design was a watermelon. It was fun painting it with different colours. Our last rotation was Hard Materials with Mr. Grundy. We were making stained glass. My design was a sunset. It was hard finding designs that were straight to cut. I have learned a lot, and I am very proud with my outcomes. Thank you to Ms. Heka, Mr. Ferguson, and Mr Grundy for a fun experience at tech.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Tamaki College - P.E with Mr. Moyes

On Friday, LS2 stayed behind after tech for an extra lesson. There were 3 groups; P.E. with Mr Moyes, Robotics with Mr. Dunn, and Social Science with Ms. Apalu. I was in Mr. Moyes's group. The first thing that we did was warm-up, so we played Infinity Tag. After warming-up, we then played our first game. We played Bench Ball, the goal in this game was to work as a team. We were split into two teams, red and blue. We had two catchers from each team on the two benches. Everytime that the two catchers caught a ball from their teammates, the teammate would stand on the bench and help the two catchers. After this game, we then played Samoan Softball. Mr. Moyes combined football and Samoan Softball. The goal of this game was also to work as a team, and encourage one another. It was a fun and amazing day for everyone. I never heard of these games, but they were fun so I would play them again. Thank you to Mr. Moyes for such a fun day. 

Summer Learning Journey

On Friday, Hazel from University of Auckland came to talk to us about the Summer Learning Journey. This holiday's theme is Journey Through Time in New Zealand. It sounds very interesting, and adventurous. I would like to know more about New Zealand's history. This could be a great way to learn about our history, because as well as having an adventure, you are increasing your skill with comprehension and writing skills. 

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Interschool Athletics

Yesterday was the athletics interschool, there were different events at different times. I went to the interschool for discuss. When it was the year 8 girl's turn for discuss, I remembered to use all the skills that Andy from run, jump, throw. Shoulder width apart, chin, knee, toe all in a row, low to high - watch it fly. I tried my hardest, but I didn't make it in the top 5. Someone managed to throw their discuss almost 20 meters, which was really impressive. 

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Firestation Trip Summary - Daniel, Shakaia, Te Wai, Nazella

Daniel, Shakaia, Te Wai and I made summary of how firefighters keep us safe. We worked collaboratively to find the six most important words, then write a summary. Firefighters are first-responders meaning they are the first people who will come to you if there is an emergency. They are trained to help people, not only from our community but others. 

Get Firewise

Since LS2 went to the fire station, we had made a DLO (digital learning object) talking about being fire wise. One idea of being firewise is; get low, get out and stay out. 

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Fire Station Visit

For our inquiry topic (People in our Community), LS2 went to the Mt Wellington fire station to learn about how firefighters help/protect the community. We were explained what to do when something is on fire: get low, get out, stay out, and then call 111. To make sure that everyone is out, we had to make an escape plan. This means to have a meet-up place like the mail box. After, the fire fighters explained to us how having a smoke alarm helps us and protects us. Smoke alarms help because when you are sleeping, you are not able to smell smoke. They then talked about the equipment in their firetruck. They keep uniforms, hoses, ladders, air bags, blocks, chain saws etc. These things help for different situations. I didn't know that they kept equipment such as chain saws, so it was interesting seeing what they keep inside their firetruck. This was a very awesome and educating experience. 

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Ratio Problem Solving - Shakaia, Ofa, Sanujan, Nazella

This week for maths, Shakaia, Ofa, Sanujan and I were solving a ratio problem. This wasn't a challenging problem, because we all worked together as a team and shared our understanding. Question 3 was a tricky question because we didn't know what to do to the 517 to find Ofa and A.J.'s amount. 

Monday, 20 November 2017

Feedback - Troublesome Jones

In reading, we have been giving feedback to our partner. After reading the text for 20 minutes, Mia and I gave our opinion of how we were while reading. Mia said that I used a lot of my comprehension skills to answer questions. I said that Mia talked a lot about the book, and asked questions when she was unsure about the text. 

Summarizing - Troublesome Jones

In reading, we have been learning how to summarize a text. To help Mia and I summarize, we chose 20 words that were important. We then chose 6 words that was vital. With these 6 words, we wrote sentences that summed up the text. This skill will help me in reading tests because I am able to summarize a text quickly. 

Friday, 17 November 2017

Police Visit PBS

Since our inquiry topic is people in our community, a few policemen had come to Panmure Bridge School to explain to us how they keep us safe, and what their role is as police officers. They first explained how they use a helicopter, also known as 'Eagle', to find missing people or to track people. They have a camera at the bottom of the helicopter which helps them look below. After, we were shown Kahu who is a police dog. Police dogs are trained to be obedient, by their handlers. Police dogs use their nose to track someone/something. They also use their teeth to attack criminals. It was interesting because I never knew that police dogs had a whole group of handlers to teach them how to be obedient. Thank you to Constable Cyrus for providing a great experience for Panmure Bridge School students. We are now more comfortable in our community because we know that police officers are making sure that we are safe. 

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Firework Safety

LS1 and LS2 have been learning about firework safety, because Guy Fawkes day is on Sunday. This is a list of what not to do on Guy Fawkes, and safety tips you have to remember when you are lighting up fireworks. 

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

How Children Learn at School - Explanation

How Children Learn at School

Do you remember when you were a child and copying your friends or teacher by observing, you asked questions because you are curious, and took risks in school to learn? Learning is having courage to ask questions, so that you are able to make connections with your what you are talking about. Learning is important since you are growing your knowledge.

Children are good observers, they are able to watch and learn new skills. By watching, they are increasing the amount of knowledge they have. Children look up to role models so they can see new ways that they could learn.

Children ask questions because they are eager to learn more. Children are interested in a topic, so they try to understand it more and so they ask for help from their classmates or teachers, to make connections with their learning.

Children take risks so they understand what they’re learning about, some of the risks are things like, asking questions, and asking students for help. Since they ask other people, they are looking at different perspectives which will help them explore different ideas.

Many people have different learning styles, some watch videos, some read, some people ask their elder like teachers. To find your learning style, you have to find a way which makes you comfortable, like watching videos makes people comfortable because people are talking to you, with their opinions. You have to find something that makes sense to you. You could read, or even simply ask questions. Your learning style will help you understand, but everyone has different learning styles.

This is the explanation that Joshua, Hajera and I wrote about 'How Children Learn at School'. This was practice for our writing test. After we finished our explanation, we showed our writing to another group (Christopher and Jericho), who gave us feedback and feed forward.

Screencastify Learning

LS2 has been learning how to showcase their learning using Screencastify. Ms. Grant came to LS2 and explained what a Screencastify was and how it works. A Screencastify records your screen, while you're talking about what you are showcasing. First, we had to make a script, so we knew what we were going to say. I made a Screencastify showing how to find fractions of an amount. This was a very interesting way to show my learning. Next time, I will defiantly try to use Screencastify more often, because it was very fun talking about my learning. 

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Interschool Rippa Rugby

Today was the interschool for Rippa Rugby. We had 4 games which was 20 minutes long each, we played against Point England, Glen Innes, Tamaki Primary and Glenbrae. We lost all our games, but we gradually got better after each game since we learned to play as a team, and to spread out on the field. It was a fun and exhausting day, but we cheered each other on and tried our best. 

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Stratosphere - Day 1, Activity 2

For day 1, activity 2 I was focusing on height restrictions. To ride the Stratosphere in Rainbows End, you must be 130cm+. Height restrictions makes everyone safe, and secure. By doing this they make sure that everyone is following the height restrictions since it makes sure that the people fit in their seats. 

Rainbows End - Day 1, Activity 1

For day 1, activity 1, I was having fun exploring Rainbows End. In this activity, I had to find where Rainbows End is located on Google Maps, and how much it would cost for my family to go Rainbows End. For the Superpass Adults, it would cost $310 because 5 x 62 = 310. For the Superpass Children, it would cost $104 because 2 x 52 = 104. In total, it would cost $414 for my family to go to Rainbows End.  

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Kahoot Quiz

Yesterday, LS2 students made a Kahoot quiz based on our knowledge about Elections. LS2 completed my quiz, and a lot of people managed to get more than 4/7. I worked with Shakaia, Sa Kae, Hajera to complete this quiz, it was fun coming up with new questions and collaborating about our learning. 

Facing Challenges - Kiwi Can

Our topic for Kiwi Can for the last couple of weeks is Facing Challenges. Today we played Hand Soccer which was challenging for some people while for others it was easy. This activity was a great way of learning how to work as team by cheering others on and how to pass to each other. 

Character Introduction - Film Study

Last week, LS2 completed a film study about The Princess Bride. For one activity, we looked at character introductions. We had to pay attention and see if the character/s were wearing dark or light colours, if the music changed once the character/s was introduced, and the shot type they were introduced in so we could identify if they were the antagonist (villain) or the protagonist (hero). 

Monday, 25 September 2017

PBS Fun Run 2017

Last week on Friday, Panmure Bridge School went down to Dunkirk because we had our Fun Run. The Fun Run is created so that students raise money for our school for things like sports equipment. This year, the year 7 and 8's completed 5 laps. While running, we had to pace ourselves and breathe so that we didn't stop. The hardest part of the course were the mountains, but it also gave momentum as I was going down. 

What is Coalition?

Today LS2 were learning about Coalition. We were learning about how the Coalition with Winston Peters will affect the NZ Government. Coalition is when a smaller political party joins a larger party to increase the amount of seats that they will have in Parliament. 

Friday, 22 September 2017

Scale Drawing

Last week, LS2 made scale drawings enlargements. Our original image was 1 cm each square, and enlarged it to 2 cm each square. The ratio would be 1:2 since we enlarged the original image. To enlarge the image, we had to make sure that we were following the original image square by square so it looked the same. 

Democracy Flowchart

Democracy is a form of government which citizens have the chance of governing. Democracy/Demokratia is originated in Ancient Greece which means 'Rule of the People'. Shakaia, Savelina, Brooklyn and I made a flowchart that shows how democracy works.

Helen Clark - Prime Minister of New Zealand

Since the General Election is in a few days, LS2 has been learning about Elections. For this activity, Shakaia, Savelina, Brooklyn and I researched a Prime Minister of New Zealand. We researched Helen Clark because she was a Prime Minister who stood out for us.  

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Political Parties - New Zealand Election 2017

Since the general election in New Zealand is on Saturday, LS2 is focusing on Elections. For our first activity, we researched who the leaders of the political parties are and what their logos look like. Shakaia, Savelina, Brooklyn and me looked at Labour, National, Green, Act, and Maori. 

Monday, 18 September 2017

Read An E-Book Day

Cover image for Mother

Today LS2 read an e-book since it is currently 'read an e-book day'. This is a day were people across the world celebrate modern storytelling on September the 18th. We used Tamaki College Overdrive which has a lot of unique stories. I read a poem called 'Mother' by Maya Angelou from the Tamaki College Overdrive. This was interesting because I had never heard of the poem before, but I enjoyed it because the language was powerful. 

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Say It Tika!

Vodofone and Google have paired up to make sure that Maori names are being pronounced correctly in Google Maps. Say it Tika is a website created so we could pin the Maori names that need to be pronounced right. This is a great way to make sure that the Maori language is being respected and the pronunciation is correct. 


Friday, 8 September 2017

Netball Certificate and Badge

Today the netball players received a badge and a certificate as a reward for playing this season. It was my first time playing netball this year. I think I had improved on my skills, and my knowledge about netball. 

Cutting Glass - Tech @ Tamaki College

At tech, the year 8's were practicing how to cut glass since we will be cutting our final design in the next couple of weeks. While cutting, we had to push the glass cutter so that we could actually break the glass instead of scoring it. It was difficult because you had to put alot of power while cutting or else it wouldn't cut.  

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Tamaki College Overdrive

Today LS2 were exploring the Tamaki College Overdrive. This is where we are allowed to borrow books for free, then read it in your browser. I like reading in the Tamaki College Overdrive because you are able to find great books that you have never heard of. 

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

How To Stand Up To Bullies

Today LS2 looked at why it is important to stand up to bullying. We focused on this because as year 7 and 8's we have to lead by example and speak up against this issue and help the juniors.  Joshua and I made this animation which shows a little story of how you could stand up and stop bullying. I have never made an animation so this was very interesting and fun. 

Two Word Simple Sentences

On Monday, Ms. Kirkpatrick's writing group were looking at two word sentences. Two word sentences include a subject and verb. With the two word sentences, we were turning them into compound and complex sentences. 

Friday, 1 September 2017

Tamaki College Visit

Today the year 8's went to Tamaki College to experience what it was like to be a year 9. We followed a normal schedule for year 9's. We first went to Maths with Mr Jones. He taught us about coordinates. To learn about coordinates we played Battleships. We had to ask Mr Jones where his ships were on the grid. After maths, we went to science with Mr Stoddard, where we learned about static energy. We had a few experiments. Our first experiment was rubbing a plastic tube on fabric, then we put it near water. We saw that the water was trying to stick to the plastic tube. After science we had lunch. We had subway, apples, cookies and water. Then we went to English with Mr Stevenson. We were finding visual images of 10 words to make connections with the words. We then went to P.E with Mr Moyes. We played a game called 'Turbo Touch'. This was very fun. We had to get the ball into the rectangle without being touched by the opposing team, or stepping into the rectangle. I had never played this game so it was extremely exciting. Thank you to Tamaki College for welcoming us into your school, and thank you to the Tamaki College teachers for providing such a fun and educational day.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Why It's Great To Be Me?

It's great to be me because I have big goals and dreams. My favorite foods are salad, apples and butter chicken. I am easy to talk to and easy to ask advice for. I like talking to my friends in my spare time because they always make me laugh. My big goal is to graduate university and be qualified as a nurse. If I could wish for something, I would wish for a world with no wars. 

Monday, 28 August 2017

Apostrophes - Writing Challenge

This weeks writing challenge was apostrophes. Apostrophes shows there is a contraction between two words. For an example, you could break down I would into I'd. This was great to revise because you could break down two words using apostrophes. 

Friday, 25 August 2017

Clocks - Tech @ Tamaki College

Our clocks at tech have finally been put together. Today, we finished painting and glued the sides with the back of our design and the front of our design. It was hard gluing the two sides because there was paint stuck inside the holes. To solve this problem, I grabbed a safety knife and cut the dried paint out of the holes. Thank you to Ms. Ferguson for making the clocks and helping/supporting the year 8's throughout our clock journey. 

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Osteopath - Careers

LS2 has been exploring careers and jobs. To look at different options of careers that suit us, we completed a quiz where we chose if we were interested, not interested, fairly interested and neutral about certain things. One of the options that came up was osteopaths. I have never heard about this career so it was interesting. I learned about the skills and knowledge that osteopaths have to know, personal qualities, pay, and how many years that it will take to become a qualified osteopath. 

Friday, 11 August 2017

Compass - Tech @ Tamaki College

Today at tech, we were making shapes with compasses. We made flowers, stars, and cubes with circles. It was fun and difficult since it was hard getting the perfect circle. I think I have improved with using compasses because I know that I should hold the black top to control the compass. 

Thursday, 10 August 2017


For the past two weeks, we have been looking at cybersmart. We covered choosing keywords, what matter and what doesn't, and how to speed up while you are surfing through the internet. This was entertaining since I was having fun while revising knowledge about cybersmart. 

Idiom Writing Challenge

This week's writing challenge was idiom. Idioms are a set of words that have different meanings to what the person has said. For an example, when someone says to 'Break a leg', they don't actually mean to break a leg, they mean to try your hardest. 

Suffragette Movement Sketchnote

Mia and I made an online sketch note using google drawing, based on our learning about the Suffrage Movement. We made a sketch note to make connections with our learning and to show what we have learned. Learning conversations helped us learn from our partner. It was definitely an important skill for this activity. 

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Kate Sheppard - Mia, Jorja and Nazella

Mia, Jorja and I researched about Kate Sheppard. Kate Sheppard is the Suffragette Movement leader. 124 years ago, the movement was created so that women were able to vote in elections etc. The Suffragette's finally achieved this in 1893, but Kate Sheppard still wanted to protest for women.

Rewindable Learning - School Production

At the end of term 3 PBS is performing a school production. Zoe, our dance instructor came in yesterday and taught us some of our dance routine. While we were learning, Mrs Anderson took a video of our group dancing. Today we used the video to practice rewindable learning. We watched the video and replayed it so that we could practice/revise our dance. I think that rewindable learning helped our group improve and realize that some moves we were performing weren't correct. 

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Impossible? Really? - Poster

Are you sure it is impossible? This poster is trying to motivate people to believe and never give up, because so many things which were thought wouldn't come true, has come alive. So is it impossible? Our topic this term is relationships with ourselves and others. One way you can have a relationship with yourselves is by telling yourself that it isn't impossible, and that it is possible. 

Friday, 4 August 2017

Winter Learning Journey

During the holidays, I took part in the Winter Learning Journey. This consists of fun activities which helped my reading and writing while the holidays. The theme was based on New Zealand. Rachel, who is responsible for the Winter Learning Journey came to Panmure Bridge School today and rewarded the students who had taken part. She even gave out fun prizes to 6 people, including me. The amount of people who had taken part in the Winter Learning Journey was great, alot of LS2 students had taken part which is amazing. I got rewarded for the Panmure Bridge School top girl blogger. Thank you to Rachel and her team for making this possible and putting so much effort into making this a perfect project. I would definitely join in the next holidays because I was learning while having so much fun. 

Kate Sheppard and the Suffragettes - Summary

Mia, Javeylor, Zahra, Mishaan and I made a 25 word summary about what the Suffragette Movement was. The Suffragette Movement was a campaign created for a right to vote as women since they weren't allowed to. It was difficult making the 25 word summary, because we couldn't fit everything in, but we managed, by talking with each other and discussing what was important and what wasn't in the summary. 

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Hyperbole Example

Hyperbole is a form of language feature used to exaggerate. I made a paragraph which included hyperbole about an unfortunate walk to home on a sunny day. I will add more hyperboles into my stories to make it more interesting and detailed. 

Monday, 31 July 2017

Ordering Fractions - Quiz

In this game, I was ordering fractions. After the quiz, we were given a percentage. I got 100 percent, I liked this quiz because it revised my knowledge on how to order fractions. This quiz was entertaining since I was able to watch videos and learn, if my answers were incorrect. 

Friday, 28 July 2017

Photography - Excellence and Innovation Care Award

One hobby of mine is photography. This hobby helps me see the world completely different. I like photography because it helps me think about certain things like the setting, the subject etc. 

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Why is it so important to keep oral story telling alive?

Maori storytellers believe these stories have been forgotten and lost in dust, they are trying to keep their culture, beliefs and language alive for tomorrow.

Today, Brooklyn and I worked collaboratively making a 25 word summary based on the question: Why is it so important to keep oral story telling alive? We watched YouTube videos and looked for the main message in the videos. Then we made our 25 word summary, it was difficult because we couldn't add everything inside the summary. To get around this problem, we had a few learning conversations which helped us agree and disagree.  

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

How Maui Slowed Down The Sun - Myths and Legends

This week, LS2 were focusing on myths and legends. In this activity, Brooklyn and I made a storyboardthat based on a scene from the myth 'How Maui slowed down the Sun'. We completed this activity to learn how to use dialogue to show not tell what is happening in this scene. It was challenging because we couldn't find the background which could suit the scene. To cope with this difficulty, I changed the background colour to make it look dark as if it were night. It was fun exploring this website because I don't 

Ordering Fractions - Math's Warmup

For our math's warmup we played a game based on ordering fractions. This game was great for revising my knowledge about ordering fractions. 

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Red Crowned Karariki - Winter Learning Journey Day 3

Image result for Red Crowned Kakariki

The Red Crowned Karariki is a native bird to New Zealand. This bird is an omnivore. Their main diet consists of eating seeds, flowers, fruit as well as invertebrates. They are spread across the North and South Islands of New Zealand. Their forehead is red, while their body is a beautiful shade of green. The edge of the wings is identified as cyan or a very dark blue.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Favorite Outdoor Activities - Winter Learning Journey Day 2

For this activity, I interviewed my little sister about her favorite outdoors activities. 

What do you like to do outdoors, Akifa? 

1. Play on my scooter.
2. Play soccer.
3. Run in our backyard.
4. Water fights.
5. At the beach, I like to make big sandcastles. 

Laura Dekker Interview - Winter Learning Journey Day 2

Laura Dekker is a German girl who sailed around the whole world by herself at 14 years old. I had to imagine that I was interviewing Laura Dekker. These are my questions:

1. What was your favorite country you sailed to?
2. How does it feel to be inspiring young people with your story?
3. Why did you want to sail across the whole world at such a young age?
4. When did your passion of sailing start?
5. What message would you like spread across to people you have inspired?

Exploring New Zealand - Winter Learning Journey Day 2

In this activity, I explored Tane Mahuta, Karekare Beach and Rangitoto Island. 

I enjoyed going to Rangitoto Island the most because the scenery was absolutely beautiful. The mountains were majestic. I loved the ocean, it looked like it was painted. 

Flag Design - Winter Learning Journey Day 1 - Bonus

For this activity I had to make my own flag design for New Zealand. I added blue to symbolize water, since New Zealand is an island. And I added black and white to symbolize the All Blacks and Silver Ferns uniform.

Learn About New Zealand - Winter Learning Journey Day 1

Five facts about New Zealand: 

  • Maui is a Maori Demi-God who fished up New Zealand with his magical fishhook. 
  • Did you know that NZ's oldest rocks are over 500 million years old?
  • The New Zealand native bird is a kiwi, but it doesn't actually fly. 
  • Kupe found New Zealand by using the stars and the ocean as his guide to find an island. 
  • Aotearoa is the Maori name for New Zealand which simply means 'Land of the long white cloud'.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Term 2 Reflection

Term 2 has been a fun term with lots of learning as well as experiencing new things. In maths, I have revised my knowledge on decimals and fractions. I learned what BEDMAS stands for: Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. In reading, I have learned how to summaries and how to find the vital, very important and important ideas in a text. I have also learned how to disagree and agree. I have learned how to use more language features in my writing to make it more effective. I can use similes and metaphors to hook my reader in. In inquiry, I have learned that I should reduce, reuse and recycle to help Earth become a tidier environment for everyone. This term, our Kiwi Sport was Tae Kwando. In Tae Kwando, I have learned how to discipline my body into kicking, punching and moving swiftly. This term's theme in Kiwi Can was integrity. I have learned how to be responsible, honest, supporting and reliability. This term has told me that I am capable of coping with challenges. 

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Inter-school Orienteering

Today was our inter-school for orienteering. It was challenging but not as challenging as last year because we had practiced more and more. It was hard keeping up my running pace since it was muddy and wet. The points were far from each other so we had to run a long distance, but everyone managed to complete the courses without difficulties. I learned that you must point your map north in order to find the correct points.